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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/16/25 Harmony of the Gospels 21 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Harmony_of_the_Gospels_21.mp3
02/16/25 Being an Eternal Champion Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Being_a_Eternal_Champion.mp3
02/16/25 Walking the Walk Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Walking_the_Walk.mp3
02/12/25 Genesis 14 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Wednesday Genesis_14.mp3
02/09/25 Working Diligently to Enter the Rest Carlton McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Working_Diligently_to_Enter_the_Rest.mp3.mp3
02/09/25 Harmony of the Gospels 20 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Harmony_of_the_Gospels_20.mp3
02/09/25 Our Response to Jesus Speaking Carlton McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Our_Response_to_Jesus_Speaking.mp3
02/02/25 This World is Not my Home Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM This_World_is_Not_my_Home_-.mp3
02/02/25 Harmony of the Gospels 19 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Harmony_of_the_Gospels_19.mp3
02/02/25 Calming The Storm Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun PM Calming_The_Storm.mp3
01/29/25 Genesis 13 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Wednesday Genesis_13.mp3
01/26/25 Abounding in the word of the Lord Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun PM Abounding_in_the_Word_of_the_Lord.mp3
01/26/25 You are at the Crossroads Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM You_are_at_the_Crossroads.mp3
01/26/25 Harmony of the Gospels 18 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Harmony_of_the_Gospels_18.mp3
01/22/25 Genesis 12 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Wednesday Genesis_12.mp3
01/19/25 Lessons from Jacob's Well Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun PM Lessons_from_Jacobs_Well.mp3
01/19/25 Harmony of the Gospels 17 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Harmony_of_the_Gospels_17.mp3
01/19/25 We must Ask, Seek, and Knock Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM We_must_Ask_Seek_and_Knock.mp3
01/15/25 Genesis 11 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Wednesday Genesis_11.mp3
01/12/25 Harmony of the Gospels 16 Robby McPeak Sermon N/A Sun AM Harmony_of_the_Gospels__16.mp3

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